vrijdag 13 februari 2009

Trico'Treize #2: wij wachten op volgende maand...

Ons Trico'Treize projectje voor de maand februari is niet op tijd klaar geraakt.

Le Trico'Treize de ma maman et moi n'est pas encore fini...

Anne's (mama) Trico'Treize / Le Trico'Treize de Anne (maman)

Mijn Trico'Treize / Mon Trico'Treize

Te volgen / A suivre...

The answer to your question,

Rita, http://julijaswardrobe.blogspot.com/2009/01/preview.html, here you can find some pictures of other models in the book. ISBN 978-4-529-04647-3, I bought it from Amazon Japan.

The book:

The other model you can find on this blog http://needled.wordpress.com/

4 reacties:

Anoniem zei

Un "owls" ... super!
Le tien je ne vois pas ce que c'est! J'attend la suite avec impatience...

Mlle Sophie zei

holalala il a l'air chouette celui la aussi!!
j'ai hate de voir la suite..!

Anoniem zei

Lovely! Which knit book is this taken from? Could you kindly give me the title and ISBN?

Love your blog. You are sooo creative AND productive!


Anoniem zei

Dear Juljia,
I am desperately trying to get hold of this Japanese knitting book, but it is nowhere to be found. On amazon.jp it is only offered by sellers that don't ship to Germany. Any other ideas? Would you perhaps send me scans of the book? In return I could send you scans of my books? I have Japanese ones, and books by K. Heargraves, Phildar, ...

Many thanks!

Rita (tsering@web.de)